About Us

At TrendyTables.co.uk, we understand that tables are more than just furniture - they create moments and memories. We offer a wide selection of tables in different sizes, shapes, materials and designs to meet your aesthetic and functional needs. From sleek dining tables to a rustic wooden coffee table, a contemporary console table, or a space-saving extending table, you'll find it here. We only choose products from reputable manufacturers and designers, so you can trust our tables are of the highest quality. Our furniture isn't just stylish; it's designed to last. With our selection, you can be sure that your treasured memories will be made on strong, sturdy tables that you can rely on for years to come.


Our Philosophy
Our user-friendly and convenient website means that you no longer have to brave the crowded shops in search of the perfect table. At TrendyTables.co.uk, we are committed to customer satisfaction. Our dedicated team is available to assist you with any queries or concerns, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience from start to finish. Say goodbye to crowded shops and let TrendyTables.co.uk be your go-to destination for finding the perfect table that will transform your living space into a stylish and inviting area. Shop online with ease and confidence, knowing that customer satisfaction is our priority.

If you have any questions about our products or if you would like to check the availability of an item, please use the Contact Us page to get in touch, call us at 0330 133 8125, or email us at info@trendytables.co.uk. We would love to hear from you.


Why Choose TrendyTables.co.uk?

Authorised Dealers
TrendyTables.co.uk is an authorised dealer of every brand that we carry.  We curate our collection from reputable manufacturers and designers to ensure high-quality products that are built to last.

Satisfaction Guaranteed
We understand what it can be like to purchase online without actually seeing and touching the product itself.  Whether you're looking for a sleek and modern glass dining table, a rustic wooden farmhouse table, an extendable table for hosting dinner parties, or a space-saving solution like a folding table, you'll find a wide variety of options on our website.

Customer Service Is Our Top Priority
Plain and simple, we are here for YOU, the customer.  Our goal is to deliver the WOW factor in service.  We strive for excellence in customer service and are driven to provide value at all times. You can expect communication from us immediately after your order is placed, and also when your product ships.

100% Safe and Secure Online Shopping
We want you to have 100% confidence when making your purchases with us online. That’s why we offer payment options with the most trusted providers of online transactions. When placing an order on TrendyTables.co.uk, your credit card information is encrypted and none of the digits of your card is stored.